A house blend of favorite French flavors!
French Citrus Fennel Chicken. You can salt a chicken two ways, depending on how much time you have. If you’re going to cook in the next hour or two (up to 6 hours), make a brine - add ¼ cup Caravel Gourmet's French Citrus Fennel Sea Salt for every 1 cup hot water (dissolve the salt) and 1 cup ice water. Take the pieces of chicken you’re going to cook, and add them to the brine. If you’re going to cook 6 hours or more away, then coat the pieces in a healthy sprinkle of Caravel Gourmet's French Citrus Fennel Sea Salt, wrap them back up, and put them in the fridge.

Asparagus with French Citrus Fennel & Butter. Prep the asparagus by trimming off the thick ends and rinsing in cold water. In an iron skillet (or the heaviest one you have with a lid), heat the butter till it starts to bubble, then add the asparagus, and shake the pan to coat it in the butter. Cover the pan and cook on medium for 3 minutes, checking to make sure it’s not burning. Uncover and cook a few more minutes until the asparagus is bright green, then add Caravel Gourmet's French Citrus Fennel Sea Salt to taste.