it works with so many dishes!

Smoked Alderwood Brown or White Rice. Adding flavored sea salt to your rice when you add the rice and the water brings out amazing flavors. It’s simple - when you measure out your water and your rice, and start bringing the water to a boil, just add a teaspoon or two of Caravel Gourmet's Smoked Alderwood Sea Salt to the water and stir. That’s it - your rice will be better than you can imagine.
Grilled Smoked Alderwood Onions. Breaking out the grill? Make this easy side dish - grab a few large onions, slice them into 1” discs, brush on some olive oil and sprinkle them with Caravel Gourmet's Smoked Alderwood Sea Salt before letting them slow cook on a cooler part of the grill until they’ve caramelized. Be sure to turn them at least once.

This completely natural smoked salt and centuries old process, yields an extraordinary rich tasting sea salt without harshness or bitterness. It can be added to any dish either on or off the BBQ.